Kenneth MacClune
Senior Staff Scientist

Twitter: @KenBoulder
Mr. Kenneth MacClune is a Senior Staff Scientist at ISET-International and has nearly 30 years of experience in climate change. Ken worked with the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where he used both ice core and current air samples from NOAA’s global flask network to measure the stable isotopes of carbon dioxide and methane. He built instrumentation and created methods for measurement and a five-box model of the atmosphere to understand global sources and sinks.
Seeing the climate situation growing worse with little action on addressing its causes and impacts, Ken left pure research to join ISET where he led the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network’s (ACCCRN) engagement with ten cities across India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Ken served as ISET-International's Chief Executive Officer for four years.
His current interests are in systems thinking and its applications in sustainability, resilience, and transformation. He is also working with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the Walker Institute at Reading on linkages between heat indices, health, and productivity as well as the integration of behavior change methods in development with Kantar-Public.
Profile Summary
Climate Science
Institutional Leadership
Stakeholder Outreach
Resilience Planning
Network Weaver & Coordinator