Marcus Moench
Alumni, Chairman of the Board and Founder of ISET-International
Founding Member at Alāya-LLC
PhD in Energy and Resources

Dr. Moench has extensive experience working with communities, non-government, government, and international organizations on urbanization water, and energy in South and South East Asia, the Middle East, and the Western United States. He combines a strong technical background in environmental science, water resources, and energy with training and experience in the design and initiation of management institutions. He has led ISET since its founding in 1997 and has guided the development of its programs on urban resilience to climate change, water resource management, and disaster risk management ever since. Prior to founding ISET, he undertook extensive research on groundwater and other water related issues across South Asia under grants from the Ford Foundation and other organizations. He also led the India Water Sector Review, Groundwater Component, and Yemen Decentralised Management Study for the World Bank. Dr. Moench received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989. He has published numerous articles and papers on natural resources management.
Profile Summary
Water resource management
Urban resilience to climate change
Stakeholder outreach
Disaster risk management
Adaptation & Livelihood Resilience
Adaptation Partnership for Climate Change Resilience Development
Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)
Building Climate Resilience: The Economics of Alternative Development Pathways
Climate Scenarios, Impact & Adaptation in Nepal
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in South Asia
Nepal: Groundwater in the Indo-Gangetic Basin
Re-imagining Inclusive Urban Futures for Transformation (RIUFT) Partnership
Resilience Narratives: Focused Communication to Catalyze Change
Sheltering From a Gathering Storm
Technical Assistance Support to Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group
A Boulder View—Community Resilience
Beyond Resilience: Case Studies
Climate Resilience and Food Security in Central America: A Practical Framework
Re-imagining Inclusive Urban Futures for Transformation: An Agenda for Engaged Research and
Refining the Resilience Narrative: A Critical Reflective Review of the Current Discourse
Rights to Urban Climate Resilience: Moving Beyond Poverty and Vulnerability
Transforming Vulnerability: Shelter, Adaptation, and Climate Thresholds
Climate Change: The Necessary, The Possible and The Desirable
Experiences Applying the Climate Resilience Framework: Linking Theory with Practice
Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: The Costs and Benefits of Climate Resilient Shelter
Mainstreaming Climate Sensitive Indicators into an Existing Food Monitoring System
Trends in Local Groundwater Management Institutions
A Framework for Urban Climate Resilience
Understanding the Economics of Flood Risk Reduction: A Preliminary Analysis
From Risk to Resilience #8: Moving from Concepts to Practice: A Process and Methodology
Summary for Identifying Effective Avenues for Risk Management Under Changing Climatic Conditions
Rethinking the Approach to Groundwater and Food Security
The Fluid Mosaic: Water Governance in the Context of Variability, Uncertainty and Change