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Anh Tran and Thanh Ngo

Technical Training on Housing Design and Construction in Typhoon-affected Areas of Da Nang city

Participants join in the discussion during the technical training. Photo credit: Anh Tran, ISET-Vietnam

Within the project “Undertaking feasibility study for scaling-up the model of storm resistant housing for a resilient Da Nang City” funded by Asia Development Bank (ADB), ISET in collaboration with Da Nang Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA) has conducted a series of technical training on how to apply technical guidelines in the design and construction of low-income housing in the typhoon-affected areas of Da Nang. The training was organized from 9 to 19 March, 2017 in different places of Da Nang to disseminate the technical handbooks developed by the project to a wide range of local stakeholders, from the city- and district- to the ward/commune and community levels. Training participants include governmental staffs currently involved in housing construction in Da Nang, representatives from the City’s Association of Architects, Architecture Universities in Da Nang, Da Nang Women’s Union, Da Nang Red Cross, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Da Nang, ​Districts’ Unit of Construction, Ward/Commune’s Land Department, local builders, village/quarter’s heads, and vulnerable households.

The training received high appreciation from most participants towards the understandability, suitability and applicability of the technical handbooks in the vulnerable areas of Da Nang. Specifically, the coming housing project in Da Nang funded by the Nordic Climate Fund (NCF) has agreed to use these technical handbooks in assisting the design and construction of over 100 storm-resistant houses in next two years (2017-2018). The key points of these handbooks are the proposal of universal technical principles/demands that all houses, regardless of different forms, sizes, and functionally spatial layouts, can apply in construction to enhance storm resilience. The training also received some useful feedback and suggestions from the participants in revising and improving the technical handbooks before printing large quantity to share with various stakeholders in Da Nang city.

The “Undertaking feasibility study for scaling-up the model of storm resistant housing for a resilient Da Nang City” project aims to formulate recommendations for scaling up the implementation of the disaster resilient housing project in Da Nang City called “Storm Resistant Housing for a Resilient Da Nang City”. This project was implemented by ISET and Women’s Union of Da Nang city from 2011, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation under the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) program.

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