Strengthening locally-led adaptation and resilience programs: Takeaways from Gobeshona 2024
ISET-International reflects on key takeaways from sessions on urban resilience to building urban resilience to extreme heat at Gobeshona2024

Release Workshop of Can Tho Resilience Strategy until 2030 (Kèm bản dịch Tiếng Việt)
Can Tho becomes the first municipality in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam to finish a City Resilience Strategy. As stated by the city leadership

Toàn cảnh về dự án nhân rộng mô hình nhà chống bão tại Quảng Trị, miền Trung Việt Nam
Ảnh: Tran Tuan Anh, ISET-Việt Nam [Đọc bằng Tiếng Anh] Dự án được thực hiện từ tháng 3/2018 đến tháng 3/2019 nhằm nâng cấp nhà ở của các...

Synthesizing the Project on Scaling-up the Model of Climate-Resilient Housing in Quang Tri Province,
Photo: Tran Tuan Anh, ISET-Viet Nam Read in Vietnamese The project was implemented from March 2018 to March 2019 to upgrade housing of...

Trans-Boundary River Basin Management in Central Vietnam
Agriculture field in Hoa Khuong commune, Da Nang. Photo: Thanh Ngo, ISET-International Early November 2017, storm no. 12 (Typhoon Damrey)...

Resilience thinking in urban development in Vietnam
On August 31, 2018, a UCR-CoP event was organized in Hanoi, with the participation of about 30 participants from UDA, Can Tho CRO, 100RC,...

ISET to Research Business Recovery and Resilience After Hurricane Harvey Flooding in Houston
ISET, in collaboration with the Zurich Flood Resilience Program and the American Red Cross, is conducting a post-event review (PERC) of...

Green Infrastructure as a Focus Area of the Can Tho City Resilience Strategy
Over the last few months, the ISET team has worked closely with Can Tho city and the Can Tho 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) team on the...

Technical Handbooks on Design, Construction and Renovation of Typhoon-Resilient Low-Income Housing
Following several trainings at different districts in Da Nang city, the series of Technical Handbook on Design, Construction and...

Green Infrastructure: A Multi-Purpose Solution for Cities
Translated from article on: Sai Gon Times Online Investing in urban green infrastructure is a growing trend in many of the world’s...