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Climate Adaptation in Asia: Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues in South Asia

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This report presents a South Asia-wide review of climate change adaptation research and is intended to identify present knowledge gaps on adaptation and application, including the practice of research. Political and administrative boundaries add a layer of complexity to geographical and linguistic diversity, stages of economic development, socio-cultural context, and research capabilities. These issues inherently have implications for the question of adaptation to impacts of global climate change. This scoping study makes a distinction between planned and autonomous adaptation strategies, including ways in which social and physical infrastructure enable adaptation. This report explores how groups in the vulnerable areas of the region are likely to experience stresses from impacts of climate change with two crucial issues emerging: (1) The Himalayan Gap in IPCC AR4 2007; and (2) related to the first, the uncertainties associated with actual regional and local scale impacts of global climate change. Interviews with key informants and regional consultations involving local and national experts (researchers, civil society institutions, donors and local government officials) provided the team with information about existing and planned adaptation research in South Asia as well as climate change impacts, particularly on vulnerable people in vulnerable places. Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Social Vulnerability


(Tiếng Việt, Español, Français)

Authors: ISET-International; ISET-Nepal

Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Social Vulnerability

Citation: Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-Boulder, & Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-Nepal. (2008). Climate adaptation in Asia: Knowledge gaps and research Issues in South Asia. Kathmandu, Nepal: Authors.

Funded by: UK Department for International Development (DfID); International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

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