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Sheltering From a Gathering Storm: Flood Resilience in India

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This case study, one of three in the project, focuses on key issues related to housing in Gorakhpur, India, and provides insights into the economic and nonfinancial returns of adaptive, resilient shelter designs that take into consideration hazards such as flooding, and temperature increases.

Key Points in Brief:

-Gorakhpur is a rapidly growing city.

-Gorakhpur?s geophysical characteristics make it vulnerable to climate-related risks.

-Flooding and waterlogging are recurring problems in Gorakhpur.

-Climate change may affect rainfall events.

-Projected temperature increases will negatively impact the people of Gorakhpur.

-Flood resilient housing is a priority.

-Construction measures to improve resilience are not available to everyone.

-Perceived value of risk mitigation options varies.

-Design competition produced innovative housing model.

-Resilient housing has economic benefits.

-Policy interventions are needed to promote and improve access to resilient housing.

Keywords: Floods, Hurricanes, Typhoons; Climate Resilient Architecture ; Disaster Risk Reduction/Hazard Management; Climate Modeling and Scenario Planning; Economics; Floods, Hurricanes, Typhoons; Water Management (Disclaimer) These documents are an output from a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) for the benefit of developing countries. However, the views expressed and information contained in these documents are not necessarily those of or endorsed by DFID, DGIS, or the entities managing the delivery of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, which can accept no responsibility or liability for such views, completeness or accuracy of the information, or any reliance placed on them.


(Tiếng Việt, Español, Français)

Authors: Dilip Singh; Dr. Bijay Singh; Kate Hawley

Keywords: Floods, Hurricanes, Typhoons; Climate Resilient Architecture ; Disaster Risk Reduction/Hazard Management; Climate Modeling and Scenario Planning; Economics; Floods, Hurricanes, Typhoons; Water Management

Citation: Singh, D., Singh, B., & Hawley, K. (2014). Sheltering from a gathering storm: Flood Resilience in India. Boulder, CO: ISET-International.

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