Climate Resilience in Concept and Practice: ISET Working Paper 1: The Shared Learning Dialogue: Building Stakeholder Capacity and Engagement for Resilience Action
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This paper outlines the underpinnings and key characteristics of the Shared Learning Dialogue (SLD) process. ISET has successfully applied the SLD process in a number of Asian contexts to facilitate learning and to generate options for responding to current and future climate conditions. We offer a number of examples and key lessons from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN), as well as more rurally-focused examples from Pakistan and Nepal, to illustrate the utility and challenges of using a shared learning approach to building an understanding of climate change risks, impacts, and resilience. Keywords: Shared Learning Processes
Authors: Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET)
Keywords: Shared Learning Processes
Citation: Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET). (2010). The shared learning dialogue: Building stakeholder capacity and engagement for resilience action (Climate Resilience in Concept and Practice Series Working Paper No. 1). Boulder, CO: Author.
Funded by: The Rockefeller Foundation