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Climate Resilience Framework: Training Materials

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The Climate Resilience Framework is a conceptual framework for simplifying and analyzing complex relationships between people, systems, institutions and climate change. The framework helps clarify factors that need to be included in the diagnosis of climate vulnerability, structures the systematic analysis of vulnerability in ways that clearly identify the entry points for responding, and supports strategic planning to build resilience to climate change.

Series 1: Establishing Resilience Principles

Series 1 of the Climate Resilience Framework: Training Materials is designed to get the lead partners in a local climate resilience planning process started. Participants are first introduced to the conceptual framework behind ISET's engagement approach, the Climate Resilience Framework, and to the key tool used for engagement, the Shared Learning Dialogue. Following this introduction, participants are led through identifying resilience planning goals, reviewing existing policies, identifying the stakeholders needed to support and engage in the climate resilience building process, and from this group assembling a "climate working group".

Series 2: Understanding Vulnerability and Risk

Series 2 of the Climate Resilience Framework: Training Materials systematically walks a city climate working group through some of the steps involved in conceptualizing, compliling, analyzing and utilizing an initial citywide vulnerability and climate risk study. This series is designed for a community and/or working group with little previous experience conducting climate vulnerability and risk assessments. However, communities that have conducted vulnerability and risk assessments previously will find that this series contains tips that help re-evaluate previoulsy collected data in more systematic manner, allowing clear identification of gaps.

Series 3: Building Resilience

Series 3 of the Climate Resilience Framework: Training Materials addresses the right hand loop of the Climate Resilience Framework. It reviews the steps required to: 1) Identify Possible Resilience Actions, 2) Prioritize Actions, 3) Design Your Resilience Strategy, 4) Implement Actions, and 5) Monitor the Results of those Actions. The Series 3 materials do not address all of these steps in detail. The materials included are those that ISET has developed to supplement materials available elsewhere, fill gaps, or address topics in unique ways.


(Tiếng Việt, Español, Français)

Karen MacClune; Kari Tyler; Sarah Opitz-Stapleton; Kate Hawley; Fawad Khan

Resilience, Social Vulnerability, Systems Thinking, Local Empowerment, Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation

Funded by: Agency for International Development (USAID); The Rockefeller Foundation (RF); American Red Cross; The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). Disclaimer: This document is an output from a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) for the benefit of developing countries. However, the views expressed and information contained in it are not necessarily those of or endorsed by DFID, DGIS or the entities managing the delivery of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, which can accept no responsibility or liability for such views, completeness or accuracy of the information or for any reliance placed on them."


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