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Building Urban Climate Resilience-Experiences from the ACCCRN program in Viet Nam

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The Urban Climate Reslience Framework, developed by the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), represents a practical way of systematically translating the growing body of natural and social scientific knowledge regarding resilience into applied planning practice. By focusing on critical urban systems (such as electricity supply, water supply, ecosystems), urban agents (the diverse organizations that make up the urban social environment), urban institutions (the rights, laws, regulations, and other social structures that mediate relationships among agents and between agents and systems), the UCRPF helps to identify specifically who might do what to build climate resilience. In Vietnam, ISET applies this framework in implementing the ACCCRN program, with focus on the engagement of local stakeholders for the introduction of climate issues and development of climate resilience strategies and intervention projects for Da Nang, Quy Nhon and Can Tho. Our experiece and lessons learned are also described in this report. Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking


(Tiếng Việt, Español, Français)

Authors: Phong Tran, ISET-International

Keywords: Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation; Shared Learning Processes; Systems Thinking

Citation: Tran, P. (2017). Building Urban Climate Resilience: Experiences from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) program in Viet Nam. Hanoi, Vietnam: ISET-International.

Funded by: The Rockefeller Foundation

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